My friend, Lori Kostenuk and I are excited to invite you to this workshop series on the Laws of the Universe.

You can listen to our first episode – link below – on the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction.

This is the first episode of a workshop series on the laws of the Universe with my friend and author, Lori Kostenuk. In this episode, we discuss the law of vibration and the law of attraction. We give you practical examples and takeaways to test the principles of the laws in your own life and experience the magic of aligning yourself with the laws for greater success and abundance. I leave you with some affirmations and a gratitude exercise to practice being in harmony with the laws and to set your vibration to attract what you want into your life.

Learn more about the Laws of the Universe on my blog
For more about Lori and her work:
Get Lori’s book – The Laws of the Universe and the Bible

REGISTER for the whole workshop series on the Laws of the Universe.

We will host 1 call each month of this year, 2024.

Every month we will focus on a different law. There are 12 Laws so there will be 12 live workshops. Registration guarantees you a spot with us on each call + includes replays of all zoom calls.