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Learn about me

My health journey started in 2016. But really, I’ve always been on this journey…

Hi! I’m Laura

⫸ Love all things natural
⫸ Passionate about plant medicine
⫸ Healing from within
⫸ Supporting women on their own journey to Wholistic Health
⫸ Body ∞ Mind ∞ Spirit
Health & Mindset
Sharing from my heart

Read on to learn more about me…

In 2016, I moved from Belgium to Canada with the hope of starting over, my head full of dreams and heart full of hopes. Little did I know that nothing would happen according to my plans. There were a lot of doubts, uncertainties, risks and challenges. But in the end, everything happened perfectly for the best. So here I am, wanting to share these special experiences and discoveries with you.

After a few months in Canada, I woke up to the fact that my state of health was less than optimal! I didn’t like the way I looked and I didn’t like the way I felt about myself. I was struggling with hormonal imbalances from post birth control syndrome (yes, it’s a thing!), weight gain, acne and as a result, I had a huge lack of self-esteem, self-worth and self-love. I couldn’t recognize the person staring at me in the mirror anymore. Who is she? Who does she want to be?

This was my wake up call.

Portrait Utah

So, in that moment, I decided to change. I made a conscious choice to do something about my situation.

I had a strong desire to learn as much as I could and find all the answers possible. To help myself to a better state of health.

In that process, I developed a passion for everything health related. Especially natural health. I believe that nature has everything to support us and heal us as it has been perfectly created and intended that way. Nature’s design is one of balance and harmony. We have become so disconnected from the natural rhythms of nature that we are suffering from it now.

I was also looking for a holistic approach to healing myself. One that would integrate all aspects of my being and look at the root cause of my issues. I am very curious and all through my journey I have asked many Why’s questions. I was so eager to learn all that I could. I read many books and articles, listened to podcasts, watched videos and documentaries, took some courses and online programs. I tried many things: diets, supplements, herbal remedies, essential oils, different practices, therapies, specialists, personal training, coaching, etc. I did all of this with one purpose in mind: to improve myself, to be better than who I was then, to push my limits to a higher level of being.

This search led me to discover the world of energy medicine and the amazing power of our mind. These areas of research are fascinating to me and the science around it is mind blowing. I am constantly learning more about it and I just can’t get enough!

In my search, I came across The BodyTalk system™

I was searching for a tool that would integrate both western medicine and eastern traditions & knowledge. Something that would be the perfect balance between right & left brain functions. BodyTalk was the answer I was looking for. I discovered this powerful whole healthcare system and it resonated with me so much that I immediately took several classes to train myself in this special modality.

I now am a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner (CBP) and a BodyTalk Access Technician. I continue to practice on myself and my family. I also offer BodyTalk sessions remotely and in person (when and if possible).

I would love for you to discover this transformational energy modality that has affected my health profoundly at all levels of being (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual).

I offer online and in-person BodyTalk sessions in my home of Vernon, BC, Canada.

I am also offering online coaching sessions to support women’s health and mindset.

Get in touch with me to learn more.

Portrait Of Me On The Island

I am thrilled to share with you everything I have learned on my journey through my blog. I wish to guide you to find the right answers that will empower you to heal yourself. I believe that health is our birthright and that we are all meant to live up to our highest potential. I hope that through the content I am sharing here, you will find some inspiration to help you on your own health journey. I want to encourage you, wherever you are in life, to keep working towards your goals. Go for what you truly desire deep down!

The journey is not over until it’s over.  So stay tuned, ’cause there is more coming!

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